Ultherapy® with Chilla Cha, Champion of Super Diva, Season 6

Chilla Cha represented Malaysia and was crowned Mrs Asia International 2017 in Shanghai. She was invited as VIP guest to Shanghai for famous TV programme MAMAMIA in Dragon Television. Besides being actively contributing to many charity events, she is also a singer, a model, and an influencer.

Chilla came to Beverly Wilshire Clinic for one of our very best treatments, Ultherapy®Ultherapy® is a nonsurgical ultrasound treatment that helps counteract the effects of time and gravity on your skin. Ultherapy® uses the body’s own regenerative response to gently and gradually lift skin on the eyebrow, under the chin and on the neck, and smooth lines and wrinkles on the décolleté. There can be some lifting and tightening of the face and neck immediately following the treatment, but the full effect will build gradually over the course of two to three months. Some patients have seen results continue to build for up to six months. Similarly, the improvement of wrinkles on the décolletage can be seen around two to three months, and in some patients up to six months post-procedure.

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